
Botanical Name
Mustard seeds may be ground to make different kinds of mustard. These four mustards arc English mustard with turmeric coloring, a Bavarian sweet mustard, a Dijon mustard, and a coarse French mustard made mainly from black mustard seeds.Mustard is a condiment made from the seeds of a mustard plant (white/yellow mustard, Sinapis alba; brown/Indian mustard, Brassica juncea or black mustard, Brassica nigra).The whole, ground, cracked, or bruised mustard seeds are mixed with water, vinegar, lemon juice, wine, or other liquids, salt, and often other flavorings and spices, to create a paste or sauce ranging in color from bright yellow to dark brown. The taste of mustard ranges from sweet to spicy.
Mustard is most often used at the table as a condiment on cold meats. It is also used as an ingredient in mayonnaise, vinaigrette, marinades, and barbecue sauce. It is also a popular accompaniment to hot dogs, pretzels, and bratwurst. In the Netherlands and northern Belgium, it is commonly used to make mustard soup, which includes mustard, cream, parsley, garlic, and pieces of salted bacon.
The amounts of various nutrients in mustard seed are to be found in the USDA National Nutrient Database. As a condiment, mustard averages about 5 kcal per teaspoon. Some of the many vitamins and nutrients found in mustard seeds are setenium and omega 3
Hindi : Rai, Banarasi rai, Kalee sarson Gujarati : Rai Kannada : Sasave Kashmiri : Aasur, Sorisa Malayalam : Kaduku Punjabi : Rai, Banarasi rai, Kalee sarson Sanskrit : Asuri, Bimbata Tamil : Kadugo Telugu : Avalu Urdu : Rai, Banarasi rai, Kalee sarson
Spanish : Mostaza French : Moutarde German : Senfsaat Swedish : Senap Arabic : Khardal Dutch : Mosterd Italian : Senape Portuguese : Mostarda Russian : Gorchitsa Japanese : Shiro Karashi Chinese : Chieh



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